Mechanical Infrared Surveys

Mechanical Infrared Surveys

All facilities, from the largest factory to the smallest store front, have mechanical systems that are pushing and pulling, keeping your building running smoothly and efficiently. But all of those systems are made of moving parts which are susceptible to harsh vibration, misalignment, and normal wear and tear. When this equipment fails, major problems can arise; it can be extremely costly to repair, can impact production, and compromise safety. Accurate Infrared’s surveys are thorough and all inclusive.

Belts & bearings, as well as the internal components of motors, all generate heat as they begin to fail. Accurate Infrared, using infrared technology, is able to use this heat to identify, record, and report any problems back to your maintenance personnel.

Large production facilities utilizing assembly lines can have thousands of bearings in operation. Damaged bearings can cause damage to the machinery itself and to the product, and can also be a waste of energy. Accurate Infrared can identify those failures and keep your assembly lines working at peak efficiency.